All applications for admission must be made on the prescribed form along with a non-refundable amount. Applications for admission must be submitted not later than the date indicated on the bulletin board in the School Office.
No student will be admitted unless he produces a Transfer Certificate from his previous school. If he has not attended a school previously he must produce a Birth Certificate. Moreover , an affidavit is required for the Date of Birth attested by a First Class Magistrate or Notary Public on Rs. 10/- Non Judicial Stamp Paper. In addition, the parents of all applicants must sign an “Age Declaration Form” guaranteeing that at no time, and under no circumstances, will any request be made for a change in the date of birth. An original copy of Birth Certificate may also be presented at the time of admission.
For other classes also there in a corresponding scale of minimum and maximum ages respectively. The School authorities reserve the right through the Director to reject any application for admission without assigning any reason and even to expel any student already admitted to the school.
Fees once deposited will not be refunded even if the student prefers not to continue or withdraws himself at any time during the session.
Playgroup: 2 years +
LKG: 3 years +
UKG: 4 years +
Prep: 5 years +
95% Attendance of a student (excluding the period of sickness) is compulsory to qualify for promotion to the next level. Total days are counted from the day of opening of the school and not from the date of admission of the student.
The names of such students who keep themselves absent continuously for 10 working days without prior notice in the office will be struck off automatically without any sort of notice to the guardians to this effect.
Promotion to the higher class is granted on the basis of regular revision assessment and opinion of the teachers concerned and the Principal / Director’s decision is final.
Minimum 60% marks are required for the promotion.
Students absent for any Revision Assessment will not be given a second chance.
In case of illness or any special circumstances, his/her case may be considered after submission of Doctor’s certificate along with an application to Principal/Director.