
A Stable, Stimulating Environment

Curriculum is based on the maxim ‘Learning by Doing’ or ‘Play way Approach’. We believe that play is the ideal basis of learning because child does it willingly and actively. Play is the essence of experience and knowledge. It is child’s constant stage of activity both active and creative, involving observation, imitation, exploration, experimentation, repetition, and all the five perceptual senses of taste, hearing, sight, touch and smell.

With a wide variety of equipment, books, toys, games, drama, music, playground equipment, natural materials and a happy atmosphere, the school provides the optimum environment for discovery and learning.

We provide a stable, stimulating environment instilling sound, moral and spiritual values. We are ambitious for our pupils and seek to develop their talents to their full potential in a challenging and caring atmosphere. We are proud of the achievements of our pupils, however small these may be.

Our Endeavour

  • Free and structured conversation.
  • Science awareness/experiments.
  • Celebration of festivals leading to awareness of rich cultural heritage.
  • Sand and water play.
  • Clay modelling, art, craft, painting and drawing.
  • Educational visits of people from various walks of life.
  • Dance and music for aesthetic development.
  • Puppet theatre and Drama learning centre.
  • Inter-class and Inter-house competitions.