The proper development of the child is the common aim of parents and the institution. It is therefore that we work in co-ordination with mutual trust and co-operation and create a harmonious vironment for the proper growth of the child. Parent’s involvement in all the activities is welcome and appreciated.
Working with our parents is important to ensure our students’ success. Research shows that the more involved parents are in their child’s education, the more successful their children will be. Children will settle into school faster, perform better academically, grow faster as a person and enjoy their school years more. At Seedling we build meaningful relationships with all our parents.
We build partnerships with our students through respect, clear communication, clear boundaries and clear expectations. We celebrate our students’ milestones with warm welcome for their first day of school, parties for birthdays. We support student learning by having fun with dress up days and occasional field trips. We know that children learn best when they are confident and happy.
Regular Parent Teacher meetings are held to assess the performance of the child in all fields and help him to perform better in all activities. Teachers are available every Saturday from 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. to meet parents with prior appointment only.
Parents are requested not to enter classrooms either to see their wards or meet the teachers during class hours.
Parents are requested to cooperate with the school in its attempt to help their ward’s progress by taking interest in regularity, punctuality and discipline and by taking interest in their ward’s work. Parents should check the school diary everyday for the home assignment set and any other instructions given.
You are advised to check the bag of your ward to see if any circular, notice, invitation etc. has been issued.
Parents are required to inform the school if there is any change in the Address/Telephone Numbers. Leave for half day should be avoided, as far as possible, for security reasons. In emergency, written permission must be taken from the Principal/ Director and the class teacher. The conveyance incharge should be informed in advance.
Children when sick or suffering should not be sent to school to attend classes.
Parent’s attention is drawn to the fact that criticism of a teacher or the school in the presence of a child causes the child to lose his or her respect for the teacher and will retard his or her progress. Any communication to be made by the parents should be addressed to the Principal/ Director and not to the class teacher.
Parents should sign the progress report and return it to the school within three days. If this report is lost, a replacement will be made only after payment for the same.