- Medium : The medium of instruction is English. However, due importance is given to Hindi, our national language.
- Co-Education : For the proper social and psychological development and adjustment between boys and girls, the school has opened admission to both.
- Staff : A team of dedicated and enthusiastic teachers care for the children and encourage them in all the aspects of development. “Ideal Teacher Student Ratio” is maintained where teacher is a mere facilitator of learning and his/her duties are more of a mission rather than a profession. Special workshops and ‘In Huse Training’ are conducted from time to time to update the staff with the latest techniques in imparting knowledge to the yougsters.
- All our staff are passionate about teaching and guiding their students’ learning. All classrooms offer bright learning environments with a wide range of resources and a low teacher to student ratio. It is vitally important to our approach that Early Years education in not just about preparing children for later learning. At Seedling, we want our children to experience the joy of these precious years. In fact, we know that thier enjoyment is essential to their success in Belonging, Being and Becoming.
- The school must be given in writing at least 3 months (90days) in advance along with a copy of the receipt of the fee of next quarter being paid.
- Those parents who wish to withdraw their children from school in April / May must pay fee up to June.
- School has right to ask the parents to withdraw their child if his/her progress in studies is not satisfactory, attendance is irregular or conduct harmful to other students, fees not paid in advance , or any other reason.
- A students, who fails second time in the school will be asked to leave the school.